Venture HS

  • October 14-17
    HS Fall Intensives
    October 14-17
    HS Fieldwork: Backpacking Intensive
  • October 15
    AUD: HS Play Practice
  • October 16
    AUD: HS Play Practice
  • October 17
    AUD: HS Play Practice
View Calendar

Venture K8

  • October 18
    No School - Fall Break
  • October 21
    No School - Fall Break
  • October 25
    Halloween Treat Trail
  • October 31
    Halloween - Early Out 11:15
  • November 5
    3rd & 4th Grade fieldwork
View Calendar

Go to "Settings," select "Notifications." Turn off both "Final Grades" and "Attendance." (Note: This action will not turn off final grade access, it will only stop the push notifications that occur every time anything is changed or updated by any teacher on the system.)

No, parents have a different log in then students.  Students in grades third - twelfth will receive their log in from their crew teacher.  Parents will receive their log in from the administration office.  If a parent hasn't received a log in, please contact the office.

Elementary students are focusing on mastering the Learning Targets. High school students are preparing for college while earning credit for graduation.

4+ = Exceeds Expectations
4 = Mastering Target
3 = Meeting Target
2 = Approaching Target
1 = Needs Improvement